What an amazing day with highs and lows and everything in between! Although the day started at 9:30am as far as adoption activities, Terri and I had been up since about 3:00... The Gotcha Day started with a bus ride to another part of town. We stopped in front of a building that looked much like any other and were escorted inside with four other families from America who were all adopting children from this Province.
We were then taken down a long hallway, a quick turn to the right, and there she was. Sarah was dressed in a traditional Chinese coat that we had sent to the orphanage some time ago. You could tell that she was not so sure about what was going on or who all these people were. (I'll work on trimming down a video Chelsea shot of the actual introduction of Terri and Sarah. It's part wonder, part wonderful, and then part scared of too many new things with lot's of crying)
Once we got Sarah back to the hotel, we took the little snow pant suit off and found that she was wrapped in six more layers of clothes beyond her coat. It was a miracle that she could even move with all that stuff on! She settled down quickly, took a snack and a nap, and is now adjusting nicely.
Towards the end of the day, our adoption guide came in to help with some more paperwork to do. This part required Sarah to give her "stamp" of approval by putting her foot into it.
Tomorrow should be an adventure as well. It's shopping day at the Chinese Walmart and marketplace. More to come...
How wonderful. Congratulations. I look forward to meeting her in person!! So happy for your family! (Cindy)
Congratulations Todd, Terri and the whole family. How exciting it must be to welcome a new member of the family.
She looks beautiful and healthy, we are so happy for you guys!
WOW! What an emotional day for all of you after waiting for so long to finally meet Sarah!! She looks very happy and so cute! We can't wait to hear more and are so excited to meet her someday soon!
Yeah!!! I am so glad you have her. I didn't know you were getting her already. I guess I forgot that you were a day or two ahead. Well it is not too late to say Happy Birthday either because it is your birthday here today. You get two birthdays this year. just what you wanted right. Give Sarah a kiss from us.
With Love
Heather and Chad
Sarah is such a pretty little thing! You look so happpy Terri, and I know that you are relieved to finally have your baby. Finally! It is jsut wonderful to see you together!
Happy birthday... we are loving watching the pictures come! I thought of you first thing this morning and told my kids at breakfast that today was the day! I LOVE YOU and she is BEAUTIFUL!
This is days late, but I wanted you to know how happy I am for you. I can't stop crying for the joy I feel.
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