Sunday, August 7, 2011

Dear Gram

My dear sweet mother, Mable Laura Margaret Perkins Dyer, passed away on July 24, 2011 at the age of 88. How we all will miss this wonderful lady. She was such a great mom and grandmother. Each of my children have special memories of her. She was so excited for us to bring Sarah home, and Sarah immediately fell in love with her. From the very beginning she has always been "Gram" to Sarah. I am so very grateful that Sarah could have 2 years to get to spend time with my mom. I hope that as the years go by she won't forget the special gram that she had.
Mom struggled so much the last couple of months of her life, she was in a lot of pain and wasn't able to eat. It was so very hard to go each day and see her decline, right up to the end I watched this and wished somehow I could wave a magic wand to make everything ok. I thought about how a fountain of youth really sounded like a great idea. I have always wished that a person could just simply be twinkled and there would be no suffering or pain. Watching my mom die was so very hard for me. And then I got the call that she had passed, grateful she no longer was suffering but now my mom was gone, it is hard to lose your mom.
Her funeral was held on Saturday, July 30, 2011, it was a very nice service with her grandkids performing some musical numbers and my brother Ken and husband Todd speaking. I know she would have liked it.
I hope you are doing well on the other side now mom, I miss you so much! Sometimes my tears just flow. A friend of yours related a story about Mark Twain that went something like this: A reporter had informed Mark that a friend had passed away and Mark began to weep. The reporter was touched by this and asked Mark about it, Mark replied, "I do not weep for my friend but for myself, I have suffered the loss of a dear friend." Mom, you were indeed a dear friend to many people, and you will forever hold a special place in the hearts of your family and all who knew you. I hope you had a joyous reunion with family and friends who had gone before you, and know that we will see you again. We love you, thank you for all you did for me and for our family! Rest in Peace.